This dissertation examines the stock market valuation of mergers and acquisitions involving investment banks and commercial banks in the global financial industry between 1998 and 2004. The research asks the question "Does the Merger of an Investment Bank and a Commercial Bank Create Value?" and analyses the largest bank mergers.
11,000 words - 51 pages in length
88% graded
Excellent use of contemporary literature
Excellent use of statistics and economic models
Will help you design your own research project
Ideal for economics and finance students
1: Introduction
The Purpose of the Study
The Organization of the Study
Justification of the Study
Trends in investment and commercial bank mergers
2: Literature Review
Trends in investment and commercial bank mergers
Why do investment and commercial banks merge?
Policy Responses
Scale, Scope and Product Mix Efficiency
Cost Efficiency
Revenue Efficiency
Economic forces driving investment and commercial bank mergers
Other reasons for investment and commercial banking consolidation
Global Economic Integration
3: Research Methodology
Event Studies
The Econometric Methodology of an Event Study
Post merger performance
4: Data Analysis and Estimation
Sample Distribution
Financial Market Valuation at announcement time
Beta Estimation and choice of Market Index
Abnormal Returns
Aggregate Market Valuation at Announcement Time
Cumulative Average Abnormal Returns
Pre and Post Merger Performance: Evidence from the Financial Markets
5: Conclusion
Appendix A: Post Merger Returns versus Market
Appendix B: Autocorrelation Coefficients for the Returns Distribution