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  世界糧食日英語作文 1

  Today, we can see in the trash only had one bite of bread, it is easy to see the students did not eat meals. Are we really that adequate food, inexhaustible it?

  The answer is no doubt: it is not. In the 1980s, the worlds population only 45 million, there are 450 million people could go hungry, that there is 1 in 10 people in the individual can not be food and clothing. This data is alarming, from planting to harvest many types Road program, how much hard work, sweat, how many pairs of hungry eyes ... ... and then the desire to look back, how many luxurious hand, the hot white rice into the trash really matter who ignored, as are distressed!

  Long a child with my grandfather to see the red mark drama "Chen Geng general" in the middle there is a story about food. Red Army march through the grass when the very lack of food, a half kilogram nine orphans still not been formally recognized the Red Army, it is because he is too young to reason. But is such a small Red Army, had grass in their own pitiful when food given to those wounded, and give to the soldiers who carried a stretcher. Bulging bag of dry food he has been recited, and often carrying people to "steal" the mouth. CEOs this also criticized him, saying he consciousness is not high. Until nine half kilogram of starvation on the grass, when we discovered that he put the bag of dry food is a cow covered with teeth marks on bones. Nine half kilogram really can not stand when hungry often carrying you, eat two bites at the head bone. In that particular historical period, a food may save a soldiers life, and nine half kilogram of the students wish to leave to someone else, this little story of soldiers deeply shocked me, I understand food importance.

  Save food, not just a slogan, not only because we all call and call, and we hope it is a complex, rooted in the hearts of you and me to consciously done, save food, from my start, starting from the side, start now!

  世界糧食日英語作文 2

  When you gaze at the national emblem, do you notice what its outer ring is? Thats right, thats the wheat ear - a symbol of grain.

  Grain, we can see it every day, it can be said that Sikong is accustomed to seeing it. But what would happen if there was no food? War, panic, hunger... these are all disasters caused by food shortages. To be honest, these disaster pots are not far away from us.

  It is said that Chinas land is fertile, but with the expansion of cities, rare land resources are decreasing day by day. Even if there is space, it may have already been polluted and cannot be planted. Also, China has a population of 1.4 billion, and with the annual harvest, its simply not enough. You may object, but think about it, if its enough, why do people still starve to death?

  Not to mention the price of food. Due to the tight grain production, the prices of various grain varieties fluctuate, which is worrying.

  Who is the mastermind behind this situation? Its actually us. In canteens and restaurants, we often see mountains of leftovers, especially at banquets and weddings. As elementary school students, we dont even look at dishes we dont like, and we only take a few bites of rice before throwing them away.

  The government is doing its best to control this pessimistic situation, but I believe that only when the people contribute their own strength can the situation be improved and truly resolved.

  Cherish food, start with me, lets eat one more bite of rice, live up to the expectations of farmers, and never let the cup of farmers still starve to death repeat itself!

  世界糧食日英語作文 3

  Tomorrow is World Food Day. In order to let us realize the truth that "every grain is hard", today, our reporter from Dezhou Daily came to Shandong Fangguan Food Co., Ltd. to visit how "Fangguan" Mantou is made.

  When we came to the visiting channel of Mantou production, more than 30 kinds of Mantou pictures were hung on the wall, including flavored Steamed Chinese sponge cake, double color cream Mantou, round Mantou, diced meat Mantou... When we arrived at the Mantou production workshop, we were just in time to send the newly fermented Mantou to the steaming car. An uncle introduced to us that they had four steam trucks, each of which could steam 900 Mantou, which could be cooked in 25 minutes.

  While waiting for Mantou to come out of the cage, my uncle took us around. I learned that Mantou is a fully automatic mechanical operation from dough mixing to dough forming. My uncle told us that their Mantou was strictly tested from flour processing to release, and did not contain any additives. Finally, Mantou came out, and a smell of Mantou came out. My uncle picked up a Mantou and lets look at the bottom of Mantou. I hope that in the future, everyone will cherish food when eating, because it is all grown by farmers who work hard, "said the uncle.

  At the end of the activity, my uncle gave each of us two big Mantou. I want to take the hot Mantou home as soon as possible and let my parents have a taste.

  世界糧食日英語作文 4

  Recently, a documentary called A Bite of China 2 premiered, sparking a food storm. In "China on the Tongue 2", there are many delicious foods, such as black rice, Braised pork belly, Pucai dumplings... these are the most delicious food in all places. Do you understand? These are all painstakingly made by chefs, and behind so many delicious foods, we need to cherish the food even more.

  At home, we should buy vegetables in moderation. When there are several people eating, we should buy and cook according to each persons different appetite, in order to avoid not being able to finish and dumping. This can save a lot of food.

  When dining out, some people order a lot of food and then throw it away if they cant finish it. This not only costs money but also wastes food. Those who cant finish it should be packed and sent home. Becoming a CD player has become a fashion.

  We not only need to save food at home, but also at school. Eat as much as you want and try to finish all the food without wasting it. After every meal in our school, almost every bucket for pouring food is full, which is heartbreaking. So, we should also be frugal with food in school!

  Do you understand? In many impoverished mountainous areas, children are very frugal with food because there is very little food there. They always finish their meals without wasting a single grain of rice. You are already very happy, but they cant even eat enough. We need to learn from him!

  In the poem The hoe and the sun are at noon, sweat drips down the soil, who only serves Chinese food, every grain is hard, I learned: we should cherish food, be frugal with food, and not waste food. Its very hard for farmers to grow crops.

  In the end, I want to tell everyone eight words: "Cherish food, start with me." I hope everyone will firmly remember these eight words.

  世界糧食日英語作文 5

  I think the term saving food is not unfamiliar to all of us. Yes, there are now activities to save food everywhere, but how many people can truly achieve it?

  Although our motherland is now prosperous and thriving, there are some remote and distant places in the beautiful mountains and rivers of our country, which are poverty-stricken mountainous areas. In impoverished mountainous areas, people do not have enough to eat, clothing is not warm, and children have no place to go to school. People eat wild vegetables, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms from the mountains every day. They dont even have much rice, let alone meat, which is almost non-existent. If they can eat meat every two or three weeks, it would be a blessing.

  Alas, how pitiful it is. Look at us every day, we have plenty of fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits, but we are born in a state of happiness without knowing it, and waste them everywhere. In school, how many students throw away the food they cannot eat? Maybe their family is very wealthy, or maybe they have plenty of food, but who knew that every grain of food on the plate was hard work. Frugality and frugality are traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, and we cannot lose our roots. If children in impoverished mountainous areas see their classmates doing this, they will definitely feel heartbroken and blame them. In restaurants, some people order a table full of food to show off how generous and wealthy they are. If they cant finish it, the owner of the restaurant will buy it for those who collect swill. Actually, leftover food can be packaged and eaten back, which is also a way to save money. As long as there is a sense of frugality, it is actually very simple to do: eat as much as you can while eating, and do not throw away leftovers; When dining in a restaurant, it is important to order in moderation rather than being extravagant.

  Saving food is not just a slogan, nor is it just a call and appeal from us and everyone else. It is a sentiment that exists in your and my hearts, and we consciously strive to achieve it. Saving food, starting from myself, starting from around me, starting from now!

  世界糧食日英語作文 6

  At noon on the day of hoeing the crops, sweat drips down the soil. Who would have thought that every grain of food on the plate would be hard-earned? "Li Shens poem" Compassion for Farmers "can be memorized by everyone, but there are few people who truly practice frugality in food.

  There is a legend about food in my hometown: there is a region where the people are all poor, and those poor people are very pitiful. They have no food to eat and are emaciated. One day, a wealthy official arrived and asked his servant to make ten meat dishes, ten vegetable dishes, and three soups for every meal. Due to the excessive amount of food, half of these dishes were not eaten each time, and all the unfinished ones were discarded. The next meal was made again. The immortal understood this matter and was very angry. He took all his property and removed his official position, making him a poor commoner. After becoming a commoner, he couldnt eat enough or wear warm clothes, but eventually understood the importance of frugality in food and changed his bad habit of waste.

  You may think that our country is vast and rich in resources, with an endless supply of food. Lets not waste it. Thats right, China is indeed very large, but we also have a large population! Think about it, those children in mountainous areas are covered in bones and have almost no meat, while we waste food without restraint. Have you ever thought about it? Its possible that the food you waste could last them a year! You may think like this: Its shameless to pack the leftovers and go home. It seems that the family is very poor. However, those who order a lot of things but only eat a little and dont pack and take home to eat lose face to us Chinese people! What makes me gratified is that at this moment, the restaurant advocates "ordering less, not enough to add, not enough to finish, pack back".

  Cherish food, start from me, start from this moment!

  世界糧食日英語作文 7

  At noon on the day of hoeing the crops, sweat drips down the soil. Who would have thought that every grain of food on the plate would be hard-earned? "Poet Li Shen used a famous poem to explain the importance of frugality in food production. In a world where the population is increasing but the land is decreasing, we must conserve food. This is not only a way to respect workers, but also a good way to prevent the Earth from continuing to deteriorate.

  The population is rapidly increasing, and cities are spreading into endless fields. These boundless fields are growing our essential goods - food. It is what we rely on for survival. In just a few decades, our land has lost a lot, some have become residential areas, some have become barren, and even become deserts. Our land is in ruins! Perhaps we cannot stop the pace of urban development, but we must cherish the remaining resources and not waste them in vain.

  China has a population of 1.4 billion, with each person wasting 500 grams per month, resulting in an annual waste of 8.4 million tons. What an astonishing number. However, when we think about it, the number of rice grains left over from each meal and the food that cannot be eaten and is thrown away is not surprising. Our previous waste is irreparable, and all we need to do is to save food in the future!

  What should we do? How much to eat and how much to serve during each meal. The restaurant should respond to the "Clean Your Plate Campaign" by ordering as much as possible. Our food production cannot meet the requirements of all people. Many people are suffering from hunger. At this time, our frugality can more or less help them fill their stomachs. Perhaps some families have enough money to waste food because they dont care, but have they ever thought about what a shameful thing they are doing.

  Every grain of rice is precious, and we hope that everyone can understand the meaning of frugality in food and learn to cherish this wealth, which is more important than gold.

  世界糧食日英語作文 8

  The heroic footprints of the Long March are engraved in the history of human pursuit of liberation and are always remembered by the Chinese people. The Long March, the spirit of revolutionary heroism, has always been the foundation for the success of Chinas revolution and construction. The Long March, the spirit of overcoming all difficulties, has always inspired the Chinese people to move towards a brilliant future that no one can predict.

  During the Long March, there was no food to eat, so the mules and horses were killed; The mules and horses are gone, go dig wild vegetables, chew on bark and grass roots; After finishing all the wild vegetables, I cooked them with a belt to eat... Each scene was deeply imprinted in my mind, reminding me of a touching little story and legend - The Golden Fish Hook.

  This story is said to be about an old squad leader who, in order to prevent several wounded soldiers from going hungry, braved fatigue and hunger to come to a small pond to fish and satisfy their hunger. However, he was unwilling to eat at all, and in the end, he was tortured by hunger and fell down alive. The spirit of sacrificing oneself for others and the noble revolutionary qualities of the old squad leader deeply moved me: they sacrificed themselves to ensure that their wounded soldiers did not go hungry. Imagine if there was a handful of rice at that time, yes, even if it was only one handful of rice, the old squad leader might not have been deprived of his strong life by hunger.

  In our life, many students do not know how to cherish food. They throw biscuits, Mantou, bread and porridge at random and pick and wear them at home... According to the estimation of relevant departments, the food wasted every year in the country is enough for 50 million people to eat for a year. What an amazing waste!

  The ancients still had a bone deep feeling of who knew that every grain of food on a plate was hard-earned, and we should understand the preciousness of food from it. Yes, grain by grain, from sowing to harvesting, and then processed into finished products, goes through at least 20 processes, which involve the hard work of farmers. Each grain of grain is soaked in the sweat and hard work of farmers! Do you have the heart to throw a bit of Mantou as mud and a mouthful of rice as dirty water?

  The revolutionary martyrs have done a lot for our current lives. Isnt it difficult for us to save food and not waste resources?

  Frugality and frugality are traditional virtues in China. As the new generation of descendants of the Yellow Emperor, do we not have the ability to inherit and carry forward this virtue?

  To cherish food is to cherish life!

  世界糧食日英語作文 9

  Today, I accidentally opened my computer and saw the news of World Food Day. Oh, I just realized that today is October 16th, World Food Day. I havent heard of this name before! But facing these five words, I dare not lift my head again, and cannot help but recall some past events.

  I have been reciting the poem Compassion for Farmers with my grandfather since childhood. At noon on the day of hoeing the crops, sweat drips down the soil. Who would have thought that every grain of food on the plate is hard-earned! "I recite it fluently, but I have never thought about cherishing food in real life. That day, my mother called me to eat, and as soon as I entered the house, I saw rice in the rice cooker. Sigh, it was rice again, and I was tired of eating it. My mother saw my furrowed brow and advised me, Xiaoxi, Mom told you that rice is nutritious! Its also nutritious, but if I dont eat it, I have to find a way. When my mother went to the kitchen to serve food, I quickly dug out a piece of Rice and vegetable roll with a spoon and sent the small Rice and vegetable roll to the dogs rice bowl in three steps and two steps. When my mother came into the room, she was a little suspicious when she saw my sneaky appearance. I explained: "Ha ha, I just ate a small Rice and vegetable roll and was a little full. Lets go first!" My mother saw that there was really a piece of rice missing in the electric rice cooker, so she let me go. I quickly ran to my own hut, ha ha, and I made great achievements.

  I remember feeling proud of my actions at that time, often teaching children this method. But today, when I think about it, I feel ashamed. I wonder how I, who could recite ancient poems backwards like a stream, could have done such a foolish thing? Wasted a bowl of grain for nothing! Think about it again, how difficult it was for the farmer uncle to sow and harvest in the scorching sun, with hoeing and facing the yellow soil with his back to the sky. And for me, what I did was just to betray them and not cherish the fruits of others labor. This is shameful!

  On October 16th, not just today, but in the days to come, I will cherish my food and not waste any grain of rice, because this rice contains the sweat of these farmers! Cherish food, starting from myself, starting from every meal, everyone has a responsibility!

  世界糧食日英語作文 10

  Some students come from well-off families and are very picky eaters. After eating a few bites, they throw away the food and say they dont like it! Some students are in a hurry to play, and when they are serving rice and soup, they walk in panic and spill the rice and soup on the ground! Some students eat while playing and throwing food at each other... These are all wasting food! Maybe you dont feel like youre wasting, maybe you think wasting this little bit is nothing, but if you waste this bit, he wastes this bit, and everyone else wastes this bit, then its an amazing loss! At the same time, some students even take their food out of the classroom after meals, eat while walking, and casually throw it on the road after finishing. This is just like being picky eaters and wasting food, both of which are uncivilized dining habits! This uncivilized behavior will greatly affect our physical health and the good image of civilized students! Lets start with civilized dining and saving food! Actually, saving food is very simple: when eating, eat as much as you can and avoid leftovers; When not eating, talk while eating! Not picky about food, whether its the food our parents give us or the meals at school, they are all beneficial for our physical growth. For the sake of our own physical and mental health, we should start from ourselves and save food! Once, just after finishing my meal and coming out of the classroom, I saw a little boy holding a steamed bun, biting it and throwing it away casually. Seeing this scene, I quickly ran over and said, "You shouldnt throw away the unfinished bun! Because its food!" "I can throw it away if I want, dont worry.

  ”Lets start with small things. Wasting things is wasting money. Do you know how difficult it is for parents to earn money? I was wrong, I wont waste anything again in the future! "" I hope you do as you say, goodbye! "Through this incident, I realized that people nowadays waste too much, and we should value and save food!

  We need to correct the bad habit of wasting food! Dont eat too many dishes during lunch, develop the good habit of saving food, and everyone has their own way of saving food!










