
我要投稿 投訴建議


時(shí)間:2023-02-22 08:49:10 面試英語 我要投稿




  1. Would you briefly describe this company to me? 介紹一下你的原單位, 好嗎?

  問題分析: 當(dāng)老外提出這個問題的時(shí)候, 他心里的疑問是: “這個公司我從來沒有聽說過, 是否是個名不見經(jīng)傳的小公司?”所以, 在向老外介紹自己工作單位的時(shí)候, 要著重強(qiáng)調(diào)公司的優(yōu)點(diǎn), 規(guī)模大的強(qiáng)調(diào)規(guī)模, 人數(shù)多的強(qiáng)調(diào)人數(shù)。如果你所在的公司業(yè)務(wù)總量很小, 你可以告訴面試官, 業(yè)務(wù)總量不大但是平均到每個員工的業(yè)務(wù)量卻相當(dāng)驚人!

  回答示范: “廣盛發(fā)”, the name means “a big, prosperous company”, hehe, although it’s not really a very big company. But, it’s true that the company is quite prosperous. It specializes in exporting women’s shoes. With only 10 employees so far the turnover last year was up to 15,000,000 RMB. I am one of the three customer service officers, with the responsibility of order taking, tracking and general customer service roles. Due to the limited number of staff, we all work more than 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in busy season.

  點(diǎn)評: 很明顯, 這個回答既體現(xiàn)了自己原來的公司的規(guī)模, 也暗示了自己能夠適應(yīng)繁忙工作的特點(diǎn)。

  2. Would you describe your typical working day? 請你描述一下自己典型的一天的工作吧。

  問題分析: 在這個問題上, 面試官希望捕捉到的信息點(diǎn)是: 第一, 這個家伙原來干的工作和我們現(xiàn)在這份工作到底有多少是類似的?第二, 他在原來工作單位表現(xiàn)到底怎么樣?所以, 在描述自己的工作內(nèi)容時(shí), 要注意突出兩個信息點(diǎn): 第一, 用事實(shí)突出自己繁忙并且業(yè)績不錯的優(yōu)點(diǎn); 第二, 要著意強(qiáng)調(diào)一下和所申請工作類似的內(nèi)容。

  回答示范: Yes. I would arrive at office half an hour earlier as my boss often gives me a lot of work once he comes in, and I have to be ready for it. My responsibilities are mainly to assist the sales manager and representatives with order tracking, stock reporting, document preparation and translation, using Excel, Word and PowerPoint. When the reps are on a business trip, I will deal with their share. Two thirds of my work involves computers, working on tables and forms precisely and quickly. The rest of time is to take care of the managers and reps, you know, do what they need me to.

  點(diǎn)評: 用事實(shí)說明自己是個敬業(yè)的人。在描述工作內(nèi)容的時(shí)候, 有細(xì)節(jié)性描述, 也有總結(jié)性描述, 非常清晰。

  3. Why do you want to leave your job? 你為什么要離職?

  回答示范1: To be honest, the reason I quit is that I am not pleased by my current job. My current work is in a vocational high school. Maybe I have to explain a bit more here. In China, vocational high schools are designed for the less-advanced students or the ones wanting work instead of going to university to further their education. As a result, the social status and the pay in vocational high schools are not at all satisfactory. I can never become a professor in this school. So, although teaching makes me happy, I have to leave this job because I can’t have long-term career development here.

  點(diǎn)評1: 相當(dāng)一部分申請人辭職的原因都是為了“長遠(yuǎn)的職業(yè)發(fā)展”, 因?yàn)樵谀壳暗墓ぷ髦?ldquo;看不到前途和未來”或者“缺乏挑戰(zhàn)和創(chuàng)新”。這些其實(shí)都是合理的理由, 但是, 務(wù)必要把看不到前途和未來的原因解釋清楚, 要讓面試官知道, 沒有前途不是你個人能力缺乏所致, 而確實(shí)是客觀因素使然。此外, 在涉及中國特殊現(xiàn)象的時(shí)候, 比如職業(yè)高中教育, 比如中等專科學(xué)校教育等等, 要把具體的情況解釋清楚, 否則, 老外絕對不會了解中專教師為什么不像大學(xué)教師那么爽。

  回答示范2: Mainly for the higher pay. I have been serving as an accountant for this joint venture for nearly 3 years and my salary increased from 1,800 to 2,300, a fair raise actually. In the last two performance evaluations, I got two Bs in a row. I can earn 3,000 only by becoming a director, which is almost impossible because the current one is stable and performs well; he is not likely to leave. But of course, I am not working only for money. Changing jobs is asking for trouble. I am doing so for my career. This position is similar to my current one, and the company is a quite large, suitable one for long-term development. So, here I am.

  點(diǎn)評2: 一個中肯的回答, 既誠實(shí)地告訴面試官自己似乎為錢而跳槽, 也告訴了他自己在原崗位上沒有拿到更高的薪水并非是工作表現(xiàn)不好, 而是受到了公司規(guī)章制度的限制。同時(shí), 也強(qiáng)調(diào)了自己已經(jīng)在原單位效忠3年的良好記錄。不錯!

  回答示范3: The former company hasn’t done well in the past 2 years, they have to make some redundancy and our department is lucky enough to be one of them. What a pity.

  點(diǎn)評3: 公司裁員很少發(fā)生, 不過如果事實(shí)如此, 你需要解釋出自己被裁減的原因是因?yàn)檎麄部門被關(guān)閉, 而不是你個人表現(xiàn)欠佳而被裁減。同時(shí), 展示了一下自己的幽默, 很好。

  回答示范4: Frankly speaking, I want to leave the job simply because I’m attracted by the position you offer. Compared with my current employer, Global Market is so much more renowned, offering a secure job and a long-term development. My current employer now offers an okay salary, but the career opportunities here are very limited because the size of business is relatively small. I think you can understand my choice.

  點(diǎn)評4: 很真實(shí), 90%的人都是為了“更好的發(fā)展”而離職, 不妨實(shí)話實(shí)說也罷。

  回答示范5: I quit the job to study English. In my last job I should use English to communicate with foreigners but frankly speaking, my English wasn’t good enough. I knew I could perform better if my English was better. Finally, after two years of struggling with English, I decided to quit the job and recharge myself. I went to New Oriental School to study English.

  點(diǎn)評5: 確實(shí)有很多人辭職學(xué)英語。如果你要使用這個萬無一失的答案, 請務(wù)必確定一點(diǎn): 你的英語一定已經(jīng)相當(dāng)合格了!否則無疑是自暴其短。

  4. Describe the employee you most enjoy working with. 你最喜歡和什么樣的同事一起合作?

  問題分析: 在這個問題上, 面試官希望了解的是: 第一, 這份工作是否會令你開心; 第二, 你所欣賞的人往往就是你的影子(心理學(xué)家如是說), 比如說, 如果你說自己欣賞爽直的人, 往往你就是這樣一個人!

  回答示范1: I enjoy working with straightforward people, partly because I am a straightforward person myself. I hope my colleagues will offer their honest suggestions and even criticisms to me. Frankly speaking, I am not very comfortable with those people who are too sensitive and always hesitate to express themselves.

  點(diǎn)評1: 突出了自己的直爽的性格, 很好。

  回答示范2: I enjoy working with positive-minded people who don’t complain too much. I find it uncomfortable to work with those who always complain. In my opinion, we either need to make improvements or accept the facts. Complaining is a total waste of time.

  點(diǎn)評2: 這是一個令人喜歡的回答, 因?yàn)槿魏我粋公司里都有大量的“怨男怨女”, 令人反感卻無可奈何。如果能多招聘幾個“陽光男女”進(jìn)公司, 豈不美哉。

  回答示范3: I enjoy working with those who are action makers. I don’t like to work with big talkers or those who are very slow to react. I am a quick person myself, so I prefer to work with the people of the same kind.

  點(diǎn)評3: 大家都喜歡風(fēng)風(fēng)火火的人, 只要不忙中出錯就好。

  回答示范4: Well, I like to work with those who are good at planning because they can always make a strong team with me. I am a detail person, and I need to work with big picture planners to achieve the best results.

  點(diǎn)評4: 善于利用別人的長處彌補(bǔ)自己的不足, 不錯。

  5. What is an ideal boss like? 你最喜歡的老板是什么樣子的?

  問題分析: 和上個問題一樣, 面試官希望了解的是: 第一, 這份工作是否會讓你滿意?第二, 你一定會效仿你的老板, 如果你說自己喜歡的老板是能吃苦耐勞的, 那么你往往是一個吃苦耐勞的人; 如果你說喜歡自己的老板是高屋建瓴的, 那么你往往也是一個頗為注重宏觀規(guī)劃的人。要格外注意的是, 如果面試你的人恰恰就是你未來的老板, 那么這個問題可要小心了, 如果你所做的描述和他的個性風(fēng)馬牛不相及, 可能令面試功虧一簣。

  普通回答: I like democratic bosses. They can give me enough room to develop on my own, rather than giving instructions to me for every small detail.

  點(diǎn)評: 這個回答比較危險(xiǎn), 明顯地表現(xiàn)出該申請人追求“自由化”的性格特點(diǎn), 會令很多面試官覺得心里一沉。所以說, 在回答這個問題的時(shí)候, 要走“保守主義”路線, 盡量不要給人一種“初生牛犢不怕虎”的感覺, 而要表現(xiàn)出謙虛謹(jǐn)慎、 積極、 誠懇等特點(diǎn)。再者說, 這個回答明顯在給老板提要求, 當(dāng)你對比下面這個回答示范的時(shí)候, 你就會明白一個道理: 給老板提要求, 遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不如請老板給自己提要求令人喜歡。

  回答示范1: Ideal boss? Well, I prefer strict bosses. Although working with strict bosses means a lot of pressure, I can grow fast with them. For new graduates, nothing is more important than developing our abilities as fast as we can.

  點(diǎn)評1: 主動請老板為自己加壓, 多么可愛可敬的人, 善哉!工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)有所欠缺的申請人, 不妨向面試官表表這樣的態(tài)度。

  回答示范2: Ideal boss? Let me see. Well, in my opinion, an ideal boss can effectively motivate his or her subordinates by encouraging good performance and punishing poor performance. I will feel highly motivated to do a good job if I know my boss would reward me for excellent performance.

  點(diǎn)評2: 好!一個希望老板能“獎懲分明”員工, 往往是很自信能夠做出優(yōu)良表現(xiàn)的員工。

  6. What were the best aspects of your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你最喜歡的是什么地方?

  問題分析: 在這個問題上, 面試官要捕捉的信息點(diǎn)是: 第一, 這個申請人是個什么樣的人?如果你是一個小秘書卻喜歡有挑戰(zhàn), 那么你很可能還停留在好高騖遠(yuǎn)的不成熟階段; 如果你喜歡原來的老板給你很大的自由發(fā)展空間, 那么你很可能是個“自由派”, 不太喜歡約束, 等等; 第二, 你所申請的工作到底是否會讓你滿意?如果這一份工作內(nèi)容和你最喜歡的工作內(nèi)容大相徑庭, 比如說, 你喜歡有挑戰(zhàn)而偏偏這份工作很細(xì)節(jié), 那么面試官可能會因?yàn)?ldquo;自慚形穢”而拒絕你的申請。所以, 你所強(qiáng)調(diào)的最喜歡的地方一定要在新工作中Yesterday once more才行。

  回答示范1: The best aspect of my last job? Let me see. Well, I think it was the trust of my boss. He gave me lots of room to develop myself, you know, letting me shoulder responsibilities. And I didn’t let him down. I did a good job.

  點(diǎn)評1: 一個令前任老板信任的員工, 更有可能贏得未來老板的信任。

  回答示范2: The best aspect of my job, well, is that I can learn a lot from others. As you can imagine Carrefour has a team of high-quality staff. When working with these people I can learn a lot, you know, their attitude to see things, the way they work.

  點(diǎn)評2: 樂于向別人學(xué)習(xí)的人, 我們喜歡!

  回答示范3: The best aspect of my job? I think it’s the team I work with. As a sales assistant I work with the sales reps on a daily basis. It’s so interesting to work with them, as you can imagine the sales reps are all active and humorous guys. I can learn so much from them. After working with them for a year and a half, I feel I have “inherited” their good traits. I’m tougher, more positive and a lot better at pleasing others, hehe.

  點(diǎn)評3: 很多人都會說自己工作最好的地方是擁有一群好同事, 但是只有在你給出細(xì)節(jié)之后才能打動面試官。這個答案很棒, 既夸了自己的團(tuán)隊(duì), 也夸獎了自己。

  回答示范4: The best aspect of my job? I think it’s the fast pace of it. I’m kept busy by my clients. You know I had two jobs, and compared with the first job, which was dead quiet, I like the second busy job so much better. It makes me feel much more satisfied with myself.

  點(diǎn)評4: 用事實(shí)說明自己是喜歡繁忙工作的人, 善哉!

  7. What were the worst aspects of your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你最討厭的是什么地方?

  問題分析: 這是一個比較棘手的一個問題, 說得虛偽了沒有人相信, 說得太真實(shí)又唯恐令面試官反感。

  回答示范1: The worst aspect of my current job is definitely lack of job security. My pay was delayed twice in the four months since I’ve worked there. I joined this company in hope of helping the boss to grow a small business into a bigger one. However, it proved a lot more difficult than I expected. The boss is very reluctant to invest in promotion. As a result, business has been rather slow.

  點(diǎn)評1: 職位不穩(wěn)定, 薪水不能保證, 這的確是份糟糕的工作。不過, 別忘記告訴面試官, 這可不是你的錯兒。

  回答示范2: I have to work six days a week in my current job. You know it’s against the Labor Law but it’s the normal practice in many factories in Dongguan. It would be quite alright for me to work on Saturday occasionally, but certainly not every Saturday.

  點(diǎn)評2: 很真實(shí)的回答。如果是我, 早就從這個每周六都要上班的鬼單位辭職了。人權(quán)哪, 同志們, 尤其是珠三角一帶的同志們, 讓我們齊聲高唱: 起來, 起來, 不愿意一周干六天的人們, 冒著老板冷冷的眼神, 辭職, 辭職, 辭職!

  回答示范3: The worst part of my current job is that it’s too quiet. As it’s a branch liaison office it only has five people. And I don’t have enough workload. Sometimes I have little to do for the whole week! I really feel bored of working there. I’d like to have a busier job. You know, more responsibilities, more sense of achievement.

  點(diǎn)評3: 因?yàn)楣ぷ魈彘e而辭職, 這樣的人兒誰不愛?No work, no future. 年輕的你就應(yīng)該忙碌起來。

  8. What were some of your achievements in your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你有哪些成就?

  問題分析: 一個顛撲不破的面試哲學(xué)是: 在上一份工作中有成就的, 才有可能在新工作中有成就。在回答這個問題的時(shí)候, 一般要遵守一個原則: 用事實(shí)與數(shù)字說話。

  回答示范1: I was named “Employee of the Year,” for the highest level of accuracy of all 18 bank tellers last year.

  點(diǎn)評1: 一個言簡意賅而又強(qiáng)大的回答: 既說出了所得到的獎勵, 而且列出了獲獎原因, 同時(shí)又告訴面試官自己在18人中是最佳的。

  回答示范2: I increased sales approximately 100% in three years. Last year I personally sold 1.5 million Yuan worth of services and was ranked number 2 in the entire company among 14 sales reps.

  點(diǎn)評2: 如果是做銷售的同志, 只能用數(shù)字來說明自己的業(yè)績。

  回答示范3: I suggested to my boss that we should create a new type of customer satisfaction survey. This suggestion was applied later and effectively reduced customer complaints.

  點(diǎn)評3: 對于沒有得到過什么獎勵的申請人, 一個比較好的辦法就是告訴面試官, 自己的一個好建議被老板采納, 取得了非常不錯的效果。

  9. What were some of the disappointments in your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你比較失望的地方或者失敗是什么?

  問題分析: 這個問題相當(dāng)棘手。太真實(shí)可能會嚇壞面試官, 太虛偽又沒法令人相信。比較好的應(yīng)對方式是, 給對方列舉一些非致命的失敗, 同時(shí), 這些失敗是由于自己所訂立的目標(biāo)比較高。

  普通回答: Disappointments? There were some. I couldn’t get an A in the annual evaluation. I got B, which was not bad, but certainly not good enough.

  點(diǎn)評: 這個回答太圓滑, 明顯在利用“失敗”夸自己向來高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)嚴(yán)要求。面試官最不喜歡這種自作聰明的人。

  回答示范: I failed to achieve the sales target last year, I sold a million and a half but the target was two million. Our Beijing headquarters is having some problems and can’t provide effective pre-sales support for us. Failing to reach the target is a big disappointment for me.

  點(diǎn)評: 一個很好的回答, 體現(xiàn)出了一個銷售人員對完成任務(wù)的強(qiáng)烈的渴望, 同時(shí)也順便帶出了自己完不成任務(wù)的客觀理由。

  10. How would you evaluate the progress you made in your last job? 你如何來評價(jià)自己在上一份工作中的表現(xiàn)?

  問題分析: 對于在上一份工作中表現(xiàn)平平的申請人, 這個問題簡直如芒刺在背, 痛苦啊。但是, 哪怕面壁三天、 掘地三尺也要想出一兩個你在上一份工作中的亮點(diǎn), 否則, 只能在面試時(shí)芒刺在背了。

  回答示范1: I am very proud of the progress I made in my last job. I joined the company as a new hand, but after only a year and a half, I was promoted to team leader. I could achieve such a rapid progress partly because my last job was in a small firm. If I can make the same progress in a large company like GE, I would be prouder.

  點(diǎn)評1: 回答得非常好, 既吹噓了自己的迅速成長, 也誠懇地指出自己是個羊群里的駱駝, 在小公司里才能獲得如此快速的提升。

  回答示范2: Well, I would give myself 70% if 100 means full satisfaction. I had some achievements in my last job. For example, I got 80-89% in the annual evaluation last year, which was 60%. The promotion program I organized on Wangfujing Road was highly successful and my client was very pleased. However, the results of several other programs were not quite satisfactory due to some reasons I couldn’t control. Actually that’s why I want to quit.

  點(diǎn)評2: 這個回答可能更符合多數(shù)申請人的實(shí)際情況: 有成就, 也有失敗。









