問題1: Tell me a little bit about you?
Over the last XXX years, I've managed…
It's quite a great deal of looking into the finer details of every business transactions…
I'm the type of person that puts an emphasis on…
… quite honestly, I believe it's that exact quality that increased the productivity…
問題2: What would you say are your good qualities?
I'm worthy because…
I was responsible for some of the most significant achievements and I attribute that to the fact that I'm thorough and I always do my homework before every transaction…
I have great interpersonal skills…
I consider myself pretty creative when it comes to problem-solving…
問題3: Supposing you're the right man for the job, how much do you see yourself earning per annum?
I believe that's XXX would be fair…
It would be nice that if in the future there would be room for further consideration…but for now, I think that's fair.
問題4: Describe to me if you could, your weaknesses please.
Sometimes I might ask a lot of questions before a new project…only because I want to make sure I understand everything completely beforehand.
... I realize I was too XXX. But I did handle similar things differently since then.
問題5: Why did you leave your last job?
I want to concentrate on the particular professional aspect this job is offering.
I feel I have much more to contribute in that area.
問題6: What did you like most about your previous position?
I like managing a team / leading a team…
I like the team unity / team spirit …