
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-26 16:26:15 英語六級 我要投稿





  中國礦產(chǎn)資源豐富,已探明的礦藏種類約有170多種,其中有些礦產(chǎn)只產(chǎn)于中國。中國石油、天然氣資源非常豐富。陸上油田(onshore oilfield)分布在東北、華北、西北等地,如大慶、勝利、遼河油田等。中國的鐵礦儲量(iron ore reserves) 約有500億噸,是世界上幾個少有的鐵礦儲備豐富的國家之一。中國的有色金屬(nonferrous metals)儲量豐富,品種繁多,有“有色金屬王國”之稱。實際上,從礦產(chǎn)資源總量上來計算,中國是資源大國。但是因為中國人口眾多,人均資源占有量不及世界平均水平的一半。


  China is rich in mineral resources. The types of the confirmed minerals are approximately more than 170 and some types of the minerals can only be found in China. China is abundant in oil and natural gas.Onshore oilfields are distributed in Northeast, North and Northwest China etc., such as Daqing, Shengli and Liaohe oilfields. There are about 50 billion tons of iron ore reserves in China, which makes China be one of the few countries with wealthy iron ore resources.China is rich in nonferrous metals of great variety, which enjoys a reputation as "the Kingdom of Nonferrous Metals". In feet, China is a country with rich resources in terms of total ore reserves. But, because of the large population, the reserve per capita is less than half of the world average level.

  1.礦產(chǎn)資源豐富:可譯為be rich in mineral resources.

  2.己探明的.礦藏:可譯為the confirmed minerals.

  3.只產(chǎn)于中國:可譯為be only found in China.

  4.鐵礦儲量:可譯為iron ore reserves.

  5.有色金屬王國:可譯為Kingdom of NonferrousMetals.

  6.不及世界平均水平的一半:可譯為less than half of theworld average level.“平均水平”譯為average level.



  農(nóng)業(yè)是中國的重要產(chǎn)業(yè)。中國的農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)居世界首位,主要出產(chǎn)大米、小麥、土豆、花生、茶葉和棉花。盡管中國的可耕地(arable land)僅占世界的10%,但是中國卻為世界上20%的人口提供糧食。由于中國是發(fā)展中國家且可耕地嚴重匱乏,中國的農(nóng)業(yè)一直是勞動密集型(labor-intensive)。中國政府密切關注農(nóng)業(yè),加大投資力度,積極開展灌和水資源保護,以提髙農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)的現(xiàn)代化水平,使得中國各類農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的產(chǎn)品迅速增加。然而,由于人口眾多,人均農(nóng)產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)量很低。


  Agriculture is an important industry in China. China ranks first in agricultural output worldwide, primarily producing rice, wheat, potatoes, peanuts, tea, and cotton.Although accounting for only 10 percent of arable land worldwide, China produces food for 20 percent of the world's population.Due to China's status as a developing country and its severe shortage of arable land,farming in China has always been the labor-intensive industry. Chinese government has been paying close attention to agriculture,increasing the investment and actively carrying out irrigation and water conservancy to improve the modernization of agricultural production, which leads to a high growth rate in China's output of various agricultural products.However,due to the large population, the amount of the agricultural products per capita is small.

  1.重要產(chǎn)業(yè):可譯為important industry.其中industry除了表示“產(chǎn)業(yè)”,還可表示“工業(yè)”,例如heavy industry意為“重工業(yè)”。

  2.僅占…的10%:可譯為accounting for only 10 percent of.其中account for意為“占…比例”。

  3.可耕地:可譯為arable land.

  4.密切關注:可譯為pay close attention to.參考譯文中用了現(xiàn)在完成進行時。

  5.灌和水資源保護:可譯為irrigation and water conservancy.

  6.人均:可譯為per capita.






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