
我要投稿 投訴建議


時(shí)間:2021-03-21 12:20:42 自我介紹 我要投稿




英文自我介紹 篇1

  My passport is expired and I have to do the new registration.


  What is the difference between a passport and an id card?


  How can I get the visa extension in china?


  My visa was denied


  The flight has been delayed because of bad weather.


  The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination.


  We can’t take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility


  Caac announces the departure of flight 45 to Sydney. passengers who will take this flight please go to gate 7.

  中國(guó)民航廣播:飛往悉尼的454次航班就要起飛了,請(qǐng)乘坐本次航班的乘客前往7號(hào)門登機(jī)。 This is the final call for tg flight 260,now boarding at gate 14


  Passengers waiting for their connecting flight to HK please wait at gate 18.your flight is to start in two hour’s time.thank you.


  Would you please give me some water


  What kind of drinks do you have


  A tourist of my group is sick. He feels like vomiting. Can I brother you for some hot water. 我的一個(gè)客人暈機(jī)了,他想吐。能不能麻煩你給他拿點(diǎn)熱水來(lái)

  Excuse me. Miss. Can I have some entry cards and customs declarations.


  Will this flight get there on time


  What is the time difference between san Francisco and Beijing


  Please put this airmail sticker on the front the envelope


  I’m afraid your letter has been overweight.


  Be sure to put down the address of receiver clearly


  Do you want to mail it by air or by ordinary mail


  Please fill in how much your things are worth


  I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the exchange memo.


  What kind of currency do you want


  How do you charge for a overseas call to Germany


  I want to connect to room132,mr chen.


  I’ll put you through. sir. sorry sir . The line is busy.


  Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?


  Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?


  How would you like the steak, rare, medium or well done.

  你喜歡怎樣做的牛排,是三分熟 五分熟 還是全熟

  I’d like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere.


  Excuse me, what would you like to drink wine, beer or whisky?

  請(qǐng)問(wèn)您要喝點(diǎn)什么 紅酒 啤酒 還是威士忌

  Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?


  Do you know any of the restaurants open now?


  I’d like to have some local food.


  I’d like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight .


  Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert



  20xx-07-23 12:20 星期四



  1. 歡迎詞&自我介紹:代表本旅行社感謝各位貴賓對(duì)我社的信任和認(rèn)可,選擇參加我們團(tuán)隊(duì)并簡(jiǎn)單介紹本社基本情況以及自己為大家服務(wù)的決心。

  2. 強(qiáng)調(diào)本團(tuán)集合時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、領(lǐng)隊(duì)電話和公司應(yīng)急電話。

  3. 向旅游者說(shuō)明出境旅游注意事項(xiàng),外匯兌換事項(xiàng)及手續(xù)等,向旅游者發(fā)放團(tuán)隊(duì)標(biāo)志并解讀《出境旅游行程表》&《旅游服務(wù)質(zhì)量評(píng)價(jià)表》

  4. 相關(guān)的法律法規(guī)知識(shí)及旅游目的地國(guó)家風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣

  5. 向旅游者詳實(shí)說(shuō)明各種由于不可抗力、不可控制因素導(dǎo)致組團(tuán)社不能(完全)旅行約定情況以取得旅游者諒解。

  6. 提醒告誡他們將要到訪的每一個(gè)國(guó)家的注意事項(xiàng)

  7. 向旅游者詳細(xì)說(shuō)明如何注意人身&財(cái)產(chǎn)安全的問(wèn)題

  8. 向游客落實(shí)住房分配事項(xiàng)

  9. 對(duì)游客提出團(tuán)結(jié)互助、禮貌友善支撐領(lǐng)隊(duì)工作地希望,強(qiáng)調(diào)文明禮貌,對(duì)以往中國(guó)游客的不文明習(xí)慣進(jìn)行點(diǎn)評(píng)。

  10. 對(duì)旅游目的地天氣狀況進(jìn)行介紹,對(duì)游客行裝配備進(jìn)行建議。



  1、 行前說(shuō)明會(huì)主要內(nèi)容及領(lǐng)隊(duì)?wèi)?yīng)落實(shí)的事項(xiàng)。


  2、 出境旅游合同的主要內(nèi)容。

  答:1)旅游線路 2)費(fèi)用及包含項(xiàng)目(1、包含項(xiàng)目;2、不包含項(xiàng)目) 3)對(duì)旅游服務(wù)質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的約定 4)退團(tuán)及損失 5)其他相關(guān)責(zé)任和提示

  3、 接待社導(dǎo)游向游客推薦自費(fèi)項(xiàng)目時(shí)領(lǐng)隊(duì)?wèi)?yīng)注意什么?

  答:1)不能讓自費(fèi)項(xiàng)目擠占正常的團(tuán)隊(duì)行程安排 2)要杜絕導(dǎo)游推薦的自費(fèi)項(xiàng)目與國(guó)家的出境旅游法規(guī)中禁止的所有沖突 3)要注意不得強(qiáng)迫或者變相強(qiáng)迫旅游者參加額外付費(fèi)項(xiàng)目4)需要對(duì)自費(fèi)項(xiàng)目是否貨真價(jià)實(shí)進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單評(píng)估

  4、 申根簽證的概念。


  5、 落地簽證的概念,如何辦理泰國(guó)落地簽證。



  6、 另紙簽證的概念。如何辦理新加波另紙簽證。



  7、 中國(guó)出入境的操作流程及各環(huán)節(jié)注意事項(xiàng)。


  8、 外國(guó)地區(qū)出入境操作流程及各環(huán)節(jié)注意事項(xiàng)。

  1) 到達(dá)旅游站或目的地后,辦理有關(guān)入境手續(xù),通常稱為“過(guò)三關(guān)”即衛(wèi)生檢疫、證照查驗(yàn),海關(guān)檢查2)入境卡及申報(bào)單的表卡應(yīng)事先填妥3)帶團(tuán)出機(jī)場(chǎng)時(shí),從入境邊檢開(kāi)始,接著取行李至海關(guān)檢查,按順序辦理4)領(lǐng)隊(duì)如先于團(tuán)員通過(guò)移民關(guān)卡,應(yīng)回頭照顧團(tuán)員,并請(qǐng)已過(guò)關(guān)的團(tuán)員協(xié)助接取行李5)待全數(shù)入境后,經(jīng)檢查行李件數(shù)無(wú)誤。海關(guān)要求檢查時(shí),請(qǐng)物主立刻開(kāi)箱受檢,同時(shí)告誡團(tuán)員切勿離隊(duì)。6)當(dāng)海關(guān)檢查完畢即出關(guān)與當(dāng)?shù)亟哟藛T聯(lián)絡(luò),并將行李交其負(fù)責(zé),然后帶團(tuán)員等車清點(diǎn)人數(shù)。

  9、 四核對(duì)的內(nèi)容及方法


  10、 游客在國(guó)外丟失了護(hù)照,領(lǐng)隊(duì)?wèi)?yīng)如何處理?



  1) 盡快辦理房間登記手續(xù),記住每位團(tuán)員的房間號(hào),分房間鑰匙。了解飯店的內(nèi)部設(shè)施(如電梯、餐廳、郵筒地、地下街等)的位置,并告訴團(tuán)員。2)分鑰匙前宣布領(lǐng)隊(duì)、導(dǎo)游房號(hào)以及房間電話號(hào)碼,告訴集合時(shí)間和叫早、早餐、出發(fā)時(shí)間。3)進(jìn)房間后,對(duì)國(guó)內(nèi)重點(diǎn)客人應(yīng)親自巡視或者電話詢問(wèn)房間情況,協(xié)助解決有關(guān)問(wèn)題,如有無(wú)飲用熱水,潔具等。









  (1) 每一位出境旅客都要樹(shù)立“嚴(yán)格遵守旅游目的地國(guó)家或地區(qū)的交通規(guī)則”的潛意識(shí),這一交通安全意識(shí)是“乘興而去,順利而歸”的重要保障之一。

  (2) 全世界大多數(shù)國(guó)家和地區(qū)均遵守右側(cè)通行的規(guī)則,但在中國(guó)香港、澳門地區(qū)和日本、英國(guó)以及東南亞等一些國(guó)家是左側(cè)通行,與中國(guó)內(nèi)地右側(cè)通行恰恰相反。所以,旅游者必須在短時(shí)間內(nèi)改變習(xí)慣,穿越馬路時(shí)先向右看。

  (3) 境外車速較快,公路安全靠所設(shè)計(jì)的許多交通標(biāo)志指揮車輛完全運(yùn)行。如自己開(kāi)車,更要事先充分了解當(dāng)?shù)氐慕煌?biāo)志與交通法規(guī)以及與中國(guó)之間的.差異。

  (4) 為了盡可能地避免在旅游過(guò)程中發(fā)生交通事故,旅游者可通知領(lǐng)隊(duì)或地陪或直接提醒司機(jī)不為趕時(shí)間而開(kāi)快車,不酒后開(kāi)車,更不要在途中允許司機(jī)與朋友交談。如發(fā)生上述現(xiàn)象,可通過(guò)地陪致電交通管理部門,要求撤換司機(jī)。


  近幾年,出國(guó)旅游團(tuán)隊(duì)安全事故時(shí)有發(fā)生,旅游者們身處異國(guó)他鄉(xiāng),必須保持高度的警惕和清醒的頭腦。(1)出境旅游時(shí),現(xiàn)金和貴重物品務(wù)必隨身攜帶;入住酒店后可存在酒店的保險(xiǎn)柜中。(2)千萬(wàn)不能將自己的證件、現(xiàn)金、首飾等貴重物品放在行李箱中托運(yùn)。國(guó)際上有個(gè)不成文的慣例,如果托運(yùn)行李中的貴重物品 及貨幣丟失,從不按價(jià)賠償。(3)勿與陌生人隨便接觸或告知自己的房號(hào)或在夜間貿(mào)然開(kāi)門;不與私人兌換外幣。(4)由于語(yǔ)言不通,情況不熟、自由活動(dòng)時(shí),一般情況下不單獨(dú)行動(dòng),應(yīng)該三五成群結(jié)伴而行。(5)今后出游不必帶大量現(xiàn)金?赊k理國(guó)際信用卡或旅行支票。(6)準(zhǔn)備一些零用錢,乘計(jì)程車、打電話、購(gòu)買飲料等都用的著。以免經(jīng)常顯露自己大額的現(xiàn)金,引起扒手、搶劫者的注意。
















英文自我介紹 篇2

  Hello everyone!

  I'm xx from Class 6, Grade 2 of _ Primary School. I have a pair of front teeth, and they look like rabbit teeth, so I can only grin when taking photos. Big and bright red phoenix eyes, a tall nose, a small mouth that can speak. After changing my teeth, I grew two super-large ones.

  I have a wide range of interests, like to see the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Journey to the West" and other famous works, like playing chess, like swimming, especially like painting, my paintings are also on the exhibition board, students praise me as a painting genius.

  My ideal is to be a painter. I want to paint all the beautiful things in the world.

  I am a boy with good features and good looks. I abide by the rules and regulations of the school and cherish public property. My moral character is very good and I have a kind heart. Especially I don't throw rubbish around, I throw it in the trash can. Few people have this habit, which is known to everyone who knows me. I will also help my family, teachers, classmates and strangers and so on.

  My study is also very good. I have won many awards, including computer, composition and mathematics. I'm good at all my subjects. I'm also very smart.

  I'm good at sports. I'm the first one to finish warm-up running in every class. Of course, I did well in sports. I like playing football, badminton, table tennis, mountain climbing and traveling.

  I can take an active part in labor, never run away from it, and fulfill the task conscientiously and responsibly.

英文自我介紹 篇3

  Each interviewer, you good, my name is, the law is like a secret weapon, a law in the world is much more secure. In the university four years, I learned China jurisprudence, legal history, constitutional law, administrative law and administrative procedure law, civil law, commercial law, intellectual property law, economic law, criminal law, civil law, criminal law, international law, private international law, international economic law, grasp the basic theory and basic knowledge of law, to understand and grasp the main laws and regulations of the state, the spirit of the law and the legal value behind the understanding and grasp of the rule of law, and the use of legal theory, method and thinking to analyze problems, to solve the problem.

  Book knowledge is limited, I actively participated in many social practice and community work, engaged in a large organization to plan the party, call to secretarial work, accumulated a lot of experience from failure to success. I think it is more important to learn the actual operation ability and the organization cooperation ability.

  In the usual practice, I learned a lot, especially some books to school work experience, although there have been previous success and failures, from which I get is a lot of work principle and work experience for me now, things have become mature. In the past work, I have a serious and responsible work, team spirit, and good communication skills.

  As a graduate, maybe my knowledge is limited, perhaps I was too young, the lack of practical experience, I may not like other people in some areas to work freely, but the young means of passion and vitality. I don't have much experience, it doesn't mean I can't do it. Because there is no experience, but more able to let me focus on one thing, and not easy to be outside interference, to maintain their own ideas, to maintain their own sense of accomplishment. This will be more dynamic, will be a big harvest. I am confident that I can overcome all kinds of difficulties in my study and life after graduation from my ability and study, and realize the value of life and the goal of my life.

英文自我介紹 篇4

  I am a very outgoing girl(boy), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the sckooe life.


  hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here introducing myself.

  大家好, 很高興有機(jī)會(huì)在這里介紹我自己。

  My name is xxx, from Class 2, Grade six,xxxx Primary School.


  I'm doing well in my study, besides I'm the monitor of my class and I get on well with my classmates.


  I'm a happy and talented girl. I'm good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. At the same time, I like telling stories.


  I'm interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in future. I won't let you down!


  Thanks for your listening.


英文自我介紹 篇5

  hello! my name is wusi,who come from a very beautiful city--wuhan.i like computer and want to improve mysel, so i want to join the new class.

  in my opoion,i am creative and optimitic.altiough there are something thati don't know,i promise i will do my best to become a it person.that's all. thank you !

英文自我介紹 篇6

  Hello! My name is ANYJOB, from ANYJOB, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along with people; Likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running.

  I am very happy and honored to join “ANYJOB” this big family, not only gave me a growth to display themselves and exercise good platform, I also have the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - take this, I thank you very much for your leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance.

  I first came here, there are many aspects of knowledge need to everybody to learn, but also hope in the later work we can comments!

  I believe that through our mutual understanding between each other and understanding, we will not only become a career has gone hand in hand with the struggle comrades, but a life in the same camp, share weal or woe friend.

  Finally, I would like to and everybody a for our common cause to try hard to struggle! Thank you!

英文自我介紹 篇7

  Good morning. It is really my honor to be here for this interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I’m confidence that I can succeed. Now let me introduce myself. My name is XXX .from Anhui province. Now I study in Zhejiang University of Technology as a postgraduate, and will be graduated July this year.

  My major is chemical engineering and technology. During the postgraduate study, I’m the chairman of Student Union, planning and organizing lots of activities, like academic activities, annual summary meetings, evening party, and so on. Also take part in many volunteer service activities. Like low-carbon transportation activity in 20xx, Wuhu. We used the theme “Greener Traffic, Cleaner Air” to encourage car owners to take public transportation more often and help ease road congestion and contribute to better air quality. Now, I’m very glad I did these which not only prove my social ability, like communication, organization, teamwork. But most important, it teaches me dedication and thankful to society. Also I have a work experience in a surface science application company and several internship experiences, which mentioned in my resume. So I’m not introduced here.

  Today, I’m coming here for the career International sales from zhijiang silica chemicals. It has good staff development platform Project, corporate culture, and strong Research Team. So I feel I can gain lots and work happy in the company. I think I’m a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure. I am confident that I am qualified for the consult service in your company. That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance. I am looking forward to becoming a part of your company.

英文自我介紹 篇8

  My name is XXX, from the XXX, XX years old, aged. Graduated in June this year, the University of Press and Publication XXXX College, majoring in marketing. I work hard at learning, open-minded, studious, interested in the professional knowledge, good at thinking and analysis, have a certain ability to apply professional knowledge, access to school in college scholarships and third-class second-class scholarship. My English is a good foundation has been a college English 46 certificate, foreign trade companies are also internship. In the work the university has served as deputy team leader and members of other advocacy positions, job seriously. In addition, as a class party during the party in time to the successful completion of the tasks to be trained in the ability to work while making their party spirit has been enhanced to form a pragmatic style of work. I am cheerful, good at communication, teacher and classmates have formed a good and harmonious relationships.

  Experience in social work, I have done before and forwarding sales insurance sales, so sales have some experience. In addition, I worked at the Xinhua Bookstore outlets, good customer service have some experience. Attitude is everything I have followed the principle, I believe that as long as a down the well every detail, good customer service through their uemitting efforts, we will have good job performance.

  Hope to apply their knowledge, but I also very much willing to try other types of work, receive training themselves, and accumulated more and rich social experience, and I believe that cheerful and humorous personality will allow me to adapt to the diversity of work. No matter what kind of work in the future, I will bring new job as a new starting point, constantly learning and enhance professional skills, my tireless responsible attitude and pragmatic style of work to do each one.


英文自我介紹 篇9

  My name is Xiao ming. I was born on August 25, 1965, in Hengyang,Hunan Province. In 1977 I graduated from Harbin Technical Institute where I majored in electronic engineering, and then I was assigned to work in an electronic apparatus factory as a technician for nine years.

  During this period I gained some practical experience in designing and manufacturing several varieties of electronic apparatus. In the fall of 1983, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University as a graduate student. Six months before I took the examinations, I started to study higher algebra and analysis by myself in my lEisure time.

  Since the enrollment I have completed all the courses required by the graduate program, making straight A both in my undergraduate and graduate courses. My performance in the graduate seminars of Differential Calculus and Mathematical and Physical Formulas shows that I have got a good grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics.

  I have been studying English intensively for six months. I have attended an English class taught by an American professor. Ms. Kathy Swift, from the City University of New York. According to her, within a few weeks of my arrival abroad, I should have no difficulty either in functioning on a daily basis or in participating fully in graduate studies.

  Presently I am interested in applied mathematics and later I would like to do research in control theory. If I am accepted as a graduate student. I plan to stay for 2-5 years pursuing a Ph.d. degree. I am sure I would make progress in my future career.

英文自我介紹 篇10

  Good morning,dear professors

  It’s my great honor to have the opportunity for this interview.My name is XXX, I hope I could make a good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly. Looking forward to the wonderful future,I entered in Shandong University in 20xx ,majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I still remembered the first class in University is the major introduction.Professor Liu told us that BME is a major combined with science, engineering and medical. And I showed great interest in this promising major.During my undergraduate period,I studied hard to lay a good foundation of knowledge for future.And I know that our major should combine theory and practice,so I participated in various competitions,such as MCU competition. Besides,I was a committee chairman in student union.Also, I was elected to the class committee in our class.

  During my hard work in university, I got scholarship and I was recommended for admission to be a postgraduate without exams.It’s my great honor that I can remain in Shandong University for further study. Now,I have been a postgraduate for one and a half years.In my first year,I still have many courses, and I studied hard ,I got high scores in all these courses,and my grade average point ranks in the top five in our major.In addition, under the guidance of my tutor, Professor Wei, I do some research on human ECG acquisition.I think it has great meanings to human. With my further research, I have built a more keen interest in biomedical engineering, besides,I also felt I need to enhance level of knowledge, so I want to apply for the opportunity to doctor’s degree without exam.So I could able to make a greater contribution for the Chinese biomedical engineering industry.

  At last, I want to thank Shandong University, I have been here for five and half years,it makes a great influence on me. More importantly,I want to thank every teacher in our School of Control Science and Engineering, your teach makes me to be a responsible people.And I want to thank my tutor, your guide enhances my research capacity, and laid a good foundation for my future. Thank you for your attention!










