
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2020-12-30 16:16:05 職場英語 我要投稿


  Starting 開場白


  Shall we start? 我們可以開始了嗎?

  Let`s get started. 我們開始吧。

  Good morning,everyone.Thank you for participating in this meeting. 大家早安。謝謝大家來參加這個會議。

  I`m going to show you something really cool now. 現(xiàn)在我要給你們看一些很酷的東西。

  Managing 管理

  I don`t wanna talk about it. 我不想再多說了。

  Let`s disregard what she says. 讓我們忽略她所說的。

  Please concentrate on this. 請專注在這件事情上。 Hold on.Let`s split up into groups. 等等,讓我們先分組。

  We have got to come out of here with something. 我們在此必須做出結(jié)果。

  Think out of the box. 擺脫框架思考。

  Can you take care of it? 你能處理它嗎?

  Let`s keep brainstorming. 我們繼續(xù)頭腦風(fēng)暴。

  Don`t take it personally. 不要針對個人。

  Let`s put it right here. 就這樣決定了。

  Let`s maximize our profits. 讓我們贏得更多利潤。

  You`ve been sitting here very quietly,don`t you have anything to say? 你一直靜靜地坐在這里,沒什么要說的嗎?

  What else do you need to know? 你還想知道些什么?

  It`s a really tough decision. 這是很難的抉擇。

  It`s pretty close. 非常接近。

  We need to avoid conflict. 我們必須放下爭執(zhí)。

  Isn`t this a good idea? 這不是個好主意嗎?

  Do you agree with that? 你同意那件事嗎?

  Let`s try to think of some other ideas. 我們試著想想其他辦法吧。

  Are you comfortable with it? 你覺得可以接受嗎?

  Let`s see if it was good enough. 讓我們看看,這是否夠好。

  She`s entitled to her own opinion. 她有權(quán)表達(dá)她的意見。

  We`re cautiously optimistic. 我們審慎樂觀。

  There`s no question about it. 這毫無疑問。

  Let me clarify it right now. 現(xiàn)在我來澄清一下。

  How do you think it looks? 你覺得它看起來怎么樣?

  That`s how on my priority list. 那是我優(yōu)先要完成的事情。

  There are some areas where we could have done better. 有些地方我們還可以做得更好。

  We all agree on that. 我們都同意。

  How did agree on that? 你怎么回應(yīng)它的?

  Do you think it`s a good idea that we point it out? 你認(rèn)為我們提出的是個好主意嗎?

  Are you a little disappointed? 你有點失望嗎?

  What else could we have done better? 還有什么我們可以做得更好?

  I just want to make sure we`re all on the same page here. 我只是想確定一下,我們是在講同一件事。

  That`s a very good question. 那是非常好的問題。

  Is everyboby clear on that? 所有人都明白了嗎?

  It`s nothing personal.It`s business. 這無關(guān)個人,這是公事。

  We have to make this activity as appealing as possible. 我們必須要把這活動辦得越吸引人越好。

  I`m gonna seriously consider that. 我會慎重地考慮那件事。

  Let`s take a risk. 讓我們冒點風(fēng)險。

  Interrupting 打斷

  I am sort of lost. 我有點搞不懂。

  I haven`t figured it out yet. 我還沒弄清楚。

  Can I have a talk with you for a second? 我可以和你談一下嗎?

  I thought of another idea. 我有另一個想法。

  We have a small issue. 我們有個小問題。

  Let me just say something. 讓我說點話。

  I have something to say. 我有話要說。

  If you wanna discuss this,we can discuss it one-on-one. 如果你想討論這個,我們可以單獨來討論。

  Did I ask the right question? 我問對問題了嗎?

  What does that mean? 那是什么意思?

  What`s that supposed to represent? 那應(yīng)該代表什么?

  Replying 回應(yīng) It`s pretty unique. 這非常獨特。

  It sounds like a deal. 聽起來像個好交易。

  We should snatch up that deal. 我們應(yīng)該把握這個交易。

  I will fight for that. 我會爭取的。

  I`ve worked all these out. 我都解決了。

  I will keep pushing for it. 我會持續(xù)督促它。

  That`s a pretty interesting name. 那是個非常有趣的名字。

  This is fabulous! 這真是好極了!

  There are no further details. 沒有其他的細(xì)節(jié)/就這樣了。

  It`s 50-50. 幾率各半。

  It`s damn good! 棒極了!

  This will be fun. 這會很有趣。

  There`s always something new. 總是會有新的東西。

  If it`s not too much trouble... 如果不麻煩的話。。。。。。

  Whatever. 隨便。

  That`s a great idea.I didn`t think of that. 那是很棒的主意。我沒想到。

  That`s a brilliant idea. 好主意。

  I love that idea. 我喜歡這個主意。

  That sounds great. 聽起來挺不錯的`。

  I`m with you. 我支持你。

  That`s guaranteed. 那可以保證。

  That`s surprising. 真令人驚訝。

  That`s possible. 那是有可能的。

  That was too obvious. 那太明顯了。

  I`ll back you up. 我支持你。

  I tend to agree with you. 我比較同意你。

  I think that`s pretty amazing. 我認(rèn)為那相當(dāng)驚人

  。 I have no clue what it is. 我對這個一無所知。

  That doesn`t seem unreasonable to me. 對我而言這似乎是合情理的。

  I haven`t processed it yet. 我還沒處理。

  Wow! That`s really unbelievable. 哇!真不敢相信。

  That makes it much more attractive. 那樣就更具吸引力了。

  I think that would be a real selling point. 我認(rèn)為這將成為一個真正的賣點。

  Sounds good to me. 聽起來還不錯。

  I agree with you on that point. 我同意你那個看法。

  I`m not really sure. 我不是很確定。 Will do. 會做的。

  To be honest with you, I don`t know. 對你說實話,我不知道。

  That`s for sure. 那是肯定的。

  There`s nothing like it. 獨一無二的。

  He`s so big on naming everything. 他善于為任何事物命名。

  The numbers speak for themselves. 數(shù)字會說話。

  He came up with an absolutely creative idea. 他想出一個絕對有創(chuàng)意的主意。