
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-10-13 16:57:56 英語四級 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦


  Section B


  Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.

  You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  A University Degree No Longer Confers Financial Security

  A.Millions of school-leavers in the rich world are about to bid a tearful goodbye to their parents and start a new life at university. Some are inspired by a pure love of learning. But most also believe that spending three or four years at university--and accumulating huge debts in the process--will boost their chances of landing a well-paid and secure job.

  B.Their elders have always told them that education is the best way to equip themselves to thrive in a globalised world. Blue-collar workers will see their jobs outsourced and automated, the familiar argument goes. School dropouts will have to cope with a life of cash-strapped (資金緊張的) insecurity. But the graduate elite will have the world at its feet. There is some evidence to support this view. A recent study from Georgetown University's Centre on Education and the Workforce argues that"obtaining a post-secondary credential ( 證書) is almost always worth it." Educational qualifications are tightly correlated with earnings: an American with a professional degree can expect to pocket $3.6m over a lifetime; one with merely a high- school diploma can expect only $1.3m. The gap between more- and less-educated earners may be widening. A study in 2002 found that someone with a bachelor's degree could expect to earn 75% more over a lifetime than someone with only a high-school diploma. Today the disparity is even greater.

  C.But is the past a reliable guide to the future? Or are we at the beginning of a new phase in the relationship between jobs and education? There are good reasons for thinking that old patterns are about to change--and that the current recession-driven downturn (衰退) in the demand for Western graduates will morph (改變) into something structural. The strong wind of creative destruction that has shaken so many blue-collar workers over the past few decades is beginning to shake the cognitive elite as well.

  D.The supply of university graduates is increasing rapidly. The Chronicle of Higher Education calculates that between 1990 and 2007 the number of students going to university increased by 22% in North America, 74% in Europe, 144% in Latin America and 203% in Asia. In 2007 150m people attended university around the world, including 70m in Asia. Emerging economies—specially China--are pouring resources into building universities that can compete with the elite of America and Europe. They are also producing professional- services firms snch as Tata Consulting Services and Infosys that take fresh graduates and turn them into world-class computer programmers and consultants. The best and the brightest of the rich world must increasingly compete with the best and the brightest from poorer countries who are willing to work harder for less money.

  E. At the same time, the demand for educated labor is being reconfigured (重新配置) by technology, in much the same way that the demand for agricultural labor was reconfigured in the 19th century and that for factory labor in the 20th. Computers can not only perform repetitive mental tasks much faster than human beings. They can also empower amateurs to do what professionals once did: why hire a flesh-and-blood accountant to complete your tax return when Turbotax (a software package ) will do the job at a fraction of the cost? And the variety of jobs that computers can do is multiplying as programmers teach them to deal with tone and linguistic ambiguity.

  F.Several economists, including Paul Krugman, have begun to argue that post-industrial societies will be characterized not by a relentless rise in demand for the educated but by a great "hollowing out", as mid-level jobs are destroyed by smart machines and high-level job growth slows. David Autor, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), points out that the main effect of automation in the computer era is not that it destroys blue-collar jobs but that it destroys any job that can be reduced to a routine. Alan Blinder of Princeton University, argues that the jobs graduates have traditionally performed are if anything more "offshorable" than low-wage ones. A plumber or lorry-driver's job cannot be outsourced to India. A computer programmer's can.

  G. A university education is still a prerequisite for entering some of the great industries, such as medicine, law and academia (學(xué)術(shù)界), that provide secure and well-paying jobs. Over the 20th century these industries did a wonderful job of raising barriers to entry--sometimes for good reasons (nobody wants to be operated on by a barber) and sometimes for self-interested ones. But these industries are beginning to bend the roles. Newspapers are fighting a losing battle with the blogosphere. Universities are replacing tenure-track professors with non-tenured staff. Law firms are contracting out routine work such as"discovery" (digging up documents relevant to a lawsuit) to computerized-search specialists such as Blackstone Discovery. Even doctors are threatened, as patients find advice online and treatment in Walmart's new health centers.

  H.Thomas Malone of MIT argues that these changes--automation, globalizafion and deregulation--may be part of a bigger change: the application of the division of labor to brain-work. Adam Smith's factory managers broke the production of pins into 18 components. In the same way, companies are increasingly breaking the production of brain-work into ever tinier slices. TopCoder chops up IT projects into bite-sized chunks and then serves them up to a worldwide workforce of freelance coders.

  I.These changes will undoubtedly improve the productivity of brain-workers. They will allow consumers to sidestep (規(guī)避 ) the professional industries that have extracted high rents for their services. And they will empower many brain-workers to focus on what they are best at and contract out more tedious tasks to others. But the reconfiguration of brain-work will also make life far less cozy and predictable for the next generation of graduates.

  46. The creative destruction that has happened to blue-collar workers in the past also starts to affect the cognitive elite.

  47. For the next generation of graduates, life will be far less comfortable and predictable with brain-work reconfigured.

  48. After computers are taught by programmers to deal with tone and linguistic ambiguity, the variety of jobs they can do will increase dramatically.

  49. Most school-leavers believe that, despite the huge debts they owe, going to university will increase their chances of getting secure jobs with high salaries.

  50. Modern companies are more likely to break the production of intellectual work into ever tinier slices.

  51. A scholar of Princeton University claims that the jobs traditionally taken by graduates are more likely to be offshored than low-wage ones.

  52. The income gap between an American professional degree holder and an American high-school graduate shows income is closely related to educational qualifications.

  53. The changes in the division of brain-work will save consumers some high service fees the professional organizations charge.

  54. Some students have always been told that. to achieve success in a globalised world, it is most advisable to equip themselves with education.

  55. Emerging economies are providing a lot of resources to build universities to compete with the elite of America and Europe.

  Section C

  Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A ),B., C.and D ). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.










  H.麻省理工大學(xué)的ThomasMalone表示,自動化、全球化和自由化這些變化也許只是更大變革——將勞動分工引入到腦力工作中——的冰山一角。Adam Smith的工廠管理者將大頭針的生產(chǎn)線分成了十八道工序。[50]同樣:如今的企業(yè)將腦力工作劃分得超乎以往地細(xì)致。TopCoder公司將IT項目分割成塊,然后把這些工作分?jǐn)偨o全球的自由程序員。




  解析:題干意為,過去發(fā)生在藍領(lǐng)工人身上的創(chuàng)造性毀滅,現(xiàn)在也開始對文化精英造成影響了。根據(jù)題干中的關(guān)鍵信息creative destruction、blue—collar和cognitive elite,便可以很快鎖定文中C段。C段最后一句提到,在過去幾十年里曾經(jīng)導(dǎo)致很多藍領(lǐng)工人失去飯碗的創(chuàng)造性毀滅的風(fēng)暴,現(xiàn)在也開始撼動文化精英了。由此可知,題干是原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為C。


  解析:題干意為,對下一代畢業(yè)生來說,由于腦力工作重新整合,他們的生活將會更加艱辛和變幻莫測。注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息for tlle next generation of graduates和predicmble。文中I段最后一句提到,但是,這種腦力工作的重新整合將使下一代畢業(yè)生的生活更加艱辛,也更加變幻莫測。由此可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。故答案為I。


  解析:題干意為,當(dāng)程序員教會了電腦處理音調(diào)和語言歧義問題后,電腦能夠完成的工作種類將顯著增多。注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息toneandlinguistic ambiguity和mevariety ofjobs。文中E段最后一句提到,當(dāng)程序員使電腦能夠處理音調(diào)和語言歧義的問題后,電腦能夠完成的工作類別將會激增。由此可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為E。


  解析:題干意為,多數(shù)畢業(yè)生認(rèn)為,盡管會欠下很多債務(wù),但是上大學(xué)會使他們更有可能獲得一份薪水較高的穩(wěn)定工作。注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息sch001.1eavers、huge debts和chances。文中A段末句提到,大多數(shù)畢業(yè)生都這樣認(rèn)為:在大學(xué)里待三四年可以大大增加他們獲得高薪、穩(wěn)定工作的幾率,盡管在這個過程中會欠下很多債務(wù)。由此可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為A。


  解析:題干意為,企業(yè)越來越傾向于將腦力工作劃分得超乎以往地細(xì)致。注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息companies和evertinier slices。文中論及腦力工作分工的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在H段,該段第三句提到,同樣,如今的企業(yè)將腦力工作劃分得超乎以往地細(xì)致。由此可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為H。




  解析:題干意為,一位擁有專業(yè)學(xué)位的美國人和僅有高中文憑的美國人之間的收入差距表明,收入與學(xué)歷息息相關(guān)。注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息gap、professional degree、high—school和educational qualifications。文中論及收入差距的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在B段,該段第七句提到,學(xué)歷與收入多少息息相關(guān):一位擁有專業(yè)學(xué)位的美國人有望在一生中賺到360萬美元,而若是僅有高中文憑則只能賺到130萬。由此可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為B。




  解析:題干意為,學(xué)生們常常被告知,要想在這個全球化的世界中取得成功,最好的辦法就是努力學(xué)習(xí)。注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息a globalised world、equip themselves和education。文中B段第一句提到,長輩們常常告誡他們,在這個全球化的世界中,要想使自己有所發(fā)展,最好的辦法就是努力學(xué)習(xí)。由此可見。題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為B。


  解析:題干意為,新興經(jīng)濟體正在為建設(shè)大學(xué)提供大量的資源,以便能與美國和歐洲的頂級學(xué)府一爭高下。注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息emerging economies、resources和me elite of America and Europe。文中D段第四句提到,新興經(jīng)濟體,尤其是中國,傾注了眾多資源來建設(shè)能與美國和歐洲的頂級學(xué)府一爭高下的大學(xué)。由此可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為D。









大學(xué)英語四級翻譯練習(xí)題 篇11-08


